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NIKKA Super Rare Old Japanese Blended

NIKKA Super Rare Old Japanese Blended

Japanese Blended Whisky
  • 43%
  • 70cl
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    Japanese Blended Whisky
  • 1 Sold
  • 1 Sold

    RM 335

    NIKKA Super Rare Old Japanese Blended

    RM 335

    Super Nikka is a classic style of blended whisky with gentle peatiness and hints of vanilla and sherry. These beautiful flavors are rounded and well-balanced with a smooth texture and mellow mouthfeel.

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    Super Nikka is a classic style of blended whisky with gentle peatiness and hints of vanilla and sherry. These beautiful flavors are rounded and well-balanced with a smooth texture and mellow mouthfeel.

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    NIKKA Super Rare Old Japanese Blended

    NIKKA Super Rare Old Japanese Blended. One of Nikka’s classic brands, Super Nikka has been a top seller since it launched onto the market in 1962. Its luxuriant aroma, gentle hints of peat and scent of aged sherry casks are all in harmony, and its flavour is smooth, rounded and well-balanced.

    In February 2021, for the first time its 90+ year history, Japanese whisky got a comprehensive definition of what it actually is (and isn’t). Inevitably, some products that have always been considered as Japanese whisky no longer are. Nikka, with great transparency, have added clarifications to all their products.

    For Nikka Super Rare Old, they say “This product does not meet all the criteria of ‘Japanese whisky’ defined by the Japan Spirits & Liqueur Makers Association“.

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