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ILPOOM JINRO Chinese New Year Gift Set

ILPOOM JINRO Chinese New Year Gift Set

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    RM 105

    ILPOOM JINRO Chinese New Year Gift Set

    RM 105

    Only using the most aromatic and fragrant liquid produced during the process, their products undergo freeze filtration process that removes unpleasant tastes and impurities at a low temperature. The result provides a clear texture and gentle flavors.

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    Only using the most aromatic and fragrant liquid produced during the process, their products undergo freeze filtration process that removes unpleasant tastes and impurities at a low temperature. The result provides a clear texture and gentle flavors.

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    The Ilpoom Jinro is a premium soju with an excellent history of nearly a hundred years. The Jinro soju is not just a typical green bottle of soju, the process of crafting and creating this soju drink is intricate and captures the fragrance and flavour of the drink excellently. 

    Traditionally, jinro soju is an alcoholic drink from Korea. Ilpoom Jinro used what was only produced during the distillation, discarding the undiluted liquid that is produced at the beginning and end of the distillation process. To remove unwanted odours and impurities, Jinro uses a freezing filtration process. This process produces a distilled crude liquid of 100% pure rice from the distillation. 

    The soju flavours produced are crisp yet soft on the throat. This smoothness has a delicate yet complex profile that Korean consumers prefer. 

    The Ilpoom Jinro soju alcohol content is at 25%. 

    This award-winning soju received the Grand Gold Quality Award from the Monde Selection Quality Institute in the Selection Spirits and Liqueurs category in 2019 and 2020. As South Korea’s leading liquor maker, Hitejinro, the company, strives to retain the top position through the continuous production of top quality soju. Hitejinro also produces Chamisul. 

    It is possible to buy Jinro Ilpoom in Malaysia at whisky.my and have it delivered to your doorstep. The Ilpoom Jinro 1924 price is below RM100, sealing its place as an affordable alcoholic drink for everyone! This Ilpoom Jinro gift pack even comes with four free shot glasses for people to enjoy drinking from. 

    What is soju made from? 

    Traditionally, soju is made from rice grains, wheat or barley. However, other types of starch such as potatoes and sweet potatoes can also be used in place of rice as well. Ilpoom Jinro is made from the traditional rice grains and is very popular in South Korea. 

    Jinro Ilpoom Premium Soju review

    According to reviews, the Ilpoom Jinro premium soju is slightly yellow as the distillation is done in oak barrels. Similar to whisky, this premium soju has prominent tasting notes of caramel. In other ways such as the way it looks and the aromas, it is on par with whiskies.

    How to drink Jinro Ilpoom? 

    The best way to enjoy this premium Korean soju is to:

    1. Fill two thirds of the glass. This gift back gives you four shot glasses for free. The scent on the rim makes the aromas burst out.
    2. Wait 2 minutes at room temperature.
    3. Drink at 1 or 2 degrees higher than normal drink temperature to thoroughly enjoy the soju. 

    Another way to enjoy this best soju is through the following methods:

    1. Ilpoom Jinro 1924 mixed with carbonated water and ice.
      This combination gives you a clean, fresh and refreshing taste. Suitable for a picnic lunch or as a light drink during the day.
    2. Ilpoom Jinro 1924 mixed with warm water. 

    This combination best brings out nature’s aromas, giving you a warm feeling throughout your body.

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