ALIRA Tribun
ALIRA Tribun is thought of as a response to “Vox Populi”, an assembly of three noble red varieties Feteasea Neagră, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon to thank from novices to refined connoisseurs. The wine is fresh, mineral, with aromas of red fruits, but also with slightly mentholated touches, reminiscent of eucalyptus. An interesting bet between wine that spent 3 months in French barrels, and wine kept in stainless steel tanks to keep the fresh fruit notes.
A daring assembly such as Alira Tribun can accompany various dishes. Surprisingly pleasant near the popular kebap, being the preferred version of the rams who has a personality. The red fruits complement a risotto with horseradish and aged parmesan, while if we want to enjoy the spicy notes it is good to associate it with a veal or even a veal sprinkled with red wine.