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CHOYA Genshu

CHOYA Genshu

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    RM 183

    CHOYA Genshu

    RM 183

    The CHOYA’ is a masterpiece created with our long history of ume liqueur making experience and data accumulation by CHOYA. It is made with 100 – Percent Japan grown Nanko ume fruit and is fully absorbed by nature’s bounty. ‘The CHOYA’ is produced with much time and effort without adding artificial additives such as acidulants and artificial flavors, to bring out the maximum taste of ume. The highly tartness with rich taste comes from pure ume liqueur. (Genshu) To be enjoy chilled, on-the-rocks, mixed with soda or hot water.

    RM 183
    RM 183
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    RM 183
    RM 179.34
    SKU: LIQUEUR00094 Categories: , , ,
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    The CHOYA’ is a masterpiece created with our long history of ume liqueur making experience and data accumulation by CHOYA. It is made with 100 – Percent Japan grown Nanko ume fruit and is fully absorbed by nature’s bounty. ‘The CHOYA’ is produced with much time and effort without adding artificial additives such as acidulants and artificial flavors, to bring out the maximum taste of ume. The highly tartness with rich taste comes from pure ume liqueur. (Genshu) To be enjoy chilled, on-the-rocks, mixed with soda or hot water.

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    CHOYA Genshu

    CHOYA Genshu. Superbly well rounded umeshu with the most premium Nanko ume fruits used in a single bottle! They’re carefully selected by the CHOYA master blender from several types of umeshu held in about 450 storage tanks. Each CHOYA Genshu bottle uses a whopping 385g of premium Nanko umes! It has a strong tartness with a peculiar taste close to undiluted sake, a deep aftertaste, followed by a mellow and lingering luxurious finished. Characterized by a well-balanced in depth taste despite being undiluted.

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