Nikka Coffey Vodka
Nikka Coffey Vodka, A beautifully smooth, rounded vodka made by the same Japanese company which produces the acclaimed Nikka whisky. This vodka from Nikka uses a base of corn and barley malt distillate which were distilled in a Coffey Still as the name suggests.
Coffey Vodka is a vodka with flavor and texture. The secret behind this extremely smooth mouthfeel and delicate taste is the quality of Coffey distillates and the preciseness in blending.
Corn and barley are separately distilled into various batches with slight difference in ABV and taste profile. These batches are carefully blended by experts and then refined with white birch charcoal. This vodka with zesty notes, rich sweetness and milky mouthfeel perfectly captures the exquisite fullness brought by the Coffey stills.
The Nikka Whisky Distilling Co. Ltd. (ニッカウヰスキー株式会社, Nikka Uisukī Kabushiki-gaisha) is a producer of Japanese whiskyand other beverages headquartered in Tokyo. It is owned by Asahi Group Holdings. he company operates a number of distilleries and other facilities in Japan, including two Japanese whisky distilleries, the Yoichi distillery in Yoichi, Hokkaidō (established in 1934), and the Miyagikyo distillery in Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Northern Honshū (established in 1969). It also owns the Ben Nevis Distillery (acquired in 1989) in Scotland.
The founder, Masataka Taketsuru, travelled to Scotland in 1918 to learn the process of distilling Scotch whisky first hand. He studied organic chemistry under Prof. T. S. Patterson at the University of Glasgow and malt whisky production at the Hazelburn distillery, in Campbeltown near the Mull of Kintyre. He married Jessie Roberta “Rita” Cowan, the daughter of a Glasgow doctor, and returned with her to Japan in 1920. In 1923 he joined Kotobukiya (currently Suntory) and helped to establish a distillery before starting Nikka in 1934.